02 February 2011

Welcome Little Baby!

My husband and I recently found out we're expecting another baby! This came much to our surprise as we were waiting at least another 9-10 months before we were going to start trying again. After the initial shock and tears subsided we realized that sometimes being "open to life" is harder than you think it ever will be. I had been at a baby shower the day before we found out, when the mommy-to-be asked if I was ready for another. My reply, "Oh no, definitely not yet." Ha!
After missing 3 Masses the morning we found out because I was a wreck, we finally made it to one. All the readings and homily seemed to have the same message: It's not always easy following God's will. Being His servant, there is often both joy and sacrifice. Thankfully for us, our families and friends, for the most part, have been incredibly supportive of us. Of course we've already gotten the looks and comments. I mean, yes 3 babies in 4 years is a lot! I won't deny that the very thought overwhelms me as I had just been saying that it was getting easier with the girls. In reality, it's probably the best timing with the campaign year coming up, since Dan will be gone a lot and at least I won't be home alone with two toddlers and a newborn... We are now very excited about this little one. Lena is very excited too! She keeps telling us she wants a "boy sister"....we'll have to work on that. LOL 
Looking back I can sort of relate to our Blessed Mother as she said "yes". (Disclaimer: I am in no way saying I am perfect or comparable to Mary; but man is it hard to say "yes" sometimes and trust that God knows what He's doing!) I know things always happen for a reason and it'll be a fun adventure. It'll also be "fun" hearing all the comments from co-workers, neighbors, family and strangers. We've already gotten a few comments like "You're brave", "You guys are going to be the next Duggars" and "Keep Dan away from my wife". Why don't these people just mind their own business and celebrate the blessing of a new life?! Dan and I both said, as we were dreading telling people, it's not always easy following Him but that's exactly what we're called to do.
So, welcome little one! We cannot wait to meet you and I'm very excited about this 9 month journey to bond with you and love you.


  1. Amanda, your honesty is astounding. Some couples, while trying to maintain a perfect image, might lie from the beginning and say how happy and overjoyed they are at the news. But you and Dan have taken this surprise and turned it around into a beautiful example and lesson. I admire you so much for this.

  2. Lovely! As always, you're honesty stands as a testament to your faith, and shows that you are in fact human...with very human emotions! It will be hard, but so very worth it! I can't wait to see those first pictures of the new babe!
